The LM3875 circuit using Multisim and then transported it to Ultiboard. View circuits in 3D real-time, change the shape of your pcb & modify components to create a circuit work of art!

NI Multisim & Ultiboard: Modify parts & PCB. You can make fine pitch professional quality PCBs at home.Say goodbye to all of the old methods like marker pen,toner transfer etc. Make your own printed circuit boards with Negative Photosensitive Dry Film. How to make PCB using Photoresist Dry Film Share components, models and footprints with other users on the NI Circuit Design Community: This video shows you how to create a component in Multisim (and import a SPICE model for simulation) by using an existing component as a template. You will learn how to generate the Gerber files needed to manufacture your new PCB board. In this Ultiboard training module you will learn the process to verify and correct Design Rules errors. Demonstrates autorouting and copper pour (groun Parameters are set to give clearances for manual etching using toner transfer and ferric chloride soak. This is a tutorial for creating a single layer PCB layout using NI Ultiboard. Using the integrated platform of NI Multisim and NI Ultib

Easily move through the design flow from complex schematic files, placement of parts from a database of accurate footprints, route copper traces, and export to industry-standard fabrication files.